The “New Normal”

The "new normal" is sick, soft, stressed, and off-track. How bad is it? And what are we supposed to do about it?

How bad is it?

Normal = Overweight Or Obese.
As of 2021, over 70% of us are overweight or obese, and the numbers are getting worse every year. Diabetes is increasing even faster than obesity rates. Overweight and obesity lead to serious medical problems, diseases, and shortened lifespans.

Normal = Sick.
Most of us are physically ill. The incidence of illness is worsening. Preventable and reversible illness is progressing in 70-80% of the population, mostly out of our awareness. By age 50 more than half of us are engaged in a life of medical disease management, with at least one significant health problem. Most of us are managing 2 or more diseases.

Normal = Weak And Soft.
Most Americans live a sedentary lifestyle, are overweight, soft, weak, or frail, and cannot go up-and-down 4-5 flights of stairs without huffing and puffing. Most American adults over age 55 cannot simply bend over and pick up a 30-50# box off the floor without risk of injury. Because we’re weak, we’re more prone to injury and less resilient. Recovery takes longer.

Normal = Over-Stressed.
Many Americans live in a quasi-manic or multi-tasking state-of-being, resulting in health-destructive hormonal imbalances and systemic inflammation. Rather than having what should be short-term stress responses to immediate and short-term incidents, we now live with chronic stress, anxiety, and worry.

Normal = Under-Rested.
Many of us do not get the rest needed for our bodies and systems to recover or to operate in an optimal state. How many of us get out of bed with spring in our step, excited for the day?

Normal = Off-Track.
In spite of the material abundance we’ve built as a country, more of us feel that our lives are off track. This is especially true in young people today.

Opting out of the “New Normal”

The Cruxpoint Breakthrough Programs will help you escape from this “new normal.” The Breakthrough Programs are tailored to lead you to the following outcomes:

  1. You will prevent, halt, reverse, and possibly even eliminate chronic diseases such as heart disease, overweight and obesity, Type 2 diabetes, aging diseases  (frailty and dementias), and autoimmune diseases.
  2. You will leave many aggravating symptoms behind: bloat, fatigue, headaches, constipation, brain fog, heartburn, joint pain, diarrhea, and more.
  3. You will dramatically lower your risk of serious health crises.
  4. You will safely reduce or eliminate medications.
  5. You will achieve a much better body composition: leaner, stronger, more shapely, more attractive, and healthier. You will lose excess bodyfat and keep it off for the rest of your life.
  6. You will have more energy and vitality, and improve your overall quality of life.

Cruxpoint Breakthrough Programs address the causes of diseases and health problems, versus just treating symptoms. Roughly, the pathway to diseases, symptoms, and health crises looks like this:


“Root causes” damage our bodily cells, systems, and organs. The damage may be structural, biochemical, bio-electrical, or all three. The damage causes imbalances and impaired functioning in our systems and organs. As the damage and dysfunction continue, things reach the point that the breakdown earns a disease label: “You have heart disease.” “You are diabetic.” “You have cancer.” “You have arthritis.” “You have kidney disease.” “You have hypertension.” Hey, if you’re lucky you could have all of these diseases at once!

The dysfunctions, diseases, and symptoms are simply effects. They are the effects of root causes causing damage. “Symptoms” are effects that are noticeable to us. Many diseases are silent—meaning they show no noticeable symptoms—until very advanced and often deadly. Heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and many cancers are examples. It’s not unusual for diseases to progress to crisis stage before they get our attention: Heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, cancer, cirrhosis, for example. We think of these as “end state” health crises, with potentially life-ending consequences. This is accurate because these are usually end states of a continuous process that’s been happening for decades.

Far too many of our medical interventions happen only after things have progressed to full-blown diseases, with symptoms, headed for crisis. Once things reach this advanced state, our options become fewer, and tend to be the most expensive, dangerous, painful, and with the most side effects. Good logic would say “deal with causes, and stop the damage that’s causing the dysfunctions,” rather than leaving causes in place while treating full-blown diseases, symptoms, and crises. Example: A triple bypass is an intervention delivered once things are at crisis stage, and deals only with symptoms and effects. The “causes” are left in place, untouched by this procedure. The dynamic factors that caused the need for the bypass are still in place and doing their damage. We now know from the research that stents do not prevent future cardiovascular events (strokes and heart attacks).

Our bodies have incredible integrity—some say designed by the greatest architect. Our bodies are designed to stay in balance, and to remain healthy and vital. If allowed, the natural healing ability of our bodies takes over and put things right. It’s near impossible to restore health and vitality with Pills, Poisons, and Procedures. These should be last-gasp efforts to help our bodies regain natural vitality. Instead, the 3 Ps have become the standard of care in our medical system, and it’s failing. Every year we are a bit less healthy, generate a bit more disease, a bit earlier in our lives.

The five primary causes of the epidemic of chronic, non-communicable diseases are ignorance, misinformation, misplaced trust, complacency, and neglect. If we’re ignorant, meaning uninformed, it’s impossible to control things in the right way. You would not want to buy a house I built because I’m ignorant of how to do it well. Misinformation is rampant, and is now on steroids due to the internet. But it’s not just online misinformation. Much misinformation is deliberate, and driven by commercial interests. Also, both the medical system and the research community is thick with misinformation.

Who can you trust? How do you know if your trust is misplaced? Sadly, we cannot trust the medical system to guide us in addressing root causes. It’s not their area of expertise, they’ve not been trained in it, and the whole medical system has devolved into hit-and-run, pill-focused treatment. In spite of spending roughly $4 trillion dollars per year—about 20% of our entire economy, and while under the care of physicians, we are becoming fatter and sicker every year. The whole thing is broken. Badly broken, and it’s not the place to look for solutions.

Complacency and neglect are truly our fault. We’re like the guy who fell off a cliff, and halfway down says, “So far, so good.” In today’s world, complacency leads to preventable disease and a compromised or shortened life. Neglect leads to mess and failure. Taking care of something requires effort. Some people drive cars that never get good maintenance—oil and air filter changes, inflated tires, standard 30,000, 60,000, 90,000 mile recommended care, and such. The interior may look like a trash dump on four wheels.

What do I do?

Those of us who want long and vital lives will be challenged to put in some effort: Become informed, overcome misinformation, stop placing your trust in the wrong people and systems, refuse to be complacent, and provide good self-maintenance. 

A life-changing process →

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