Autoimmune & chronic inflammatory diseases breakthrough 

You shouldn't have to live with chronic pain and inflammation.

Eliminate or reduce chronic pain and inflammation and put autoimmune in remission

Eliminate or reduce flares and stop the progressive damage

Safely exit or lower medications

Minimize inflammation. Maximize total health.

Chronic Inflammatory Diseases (CIDs) are multi-symptom illnesses generally triggered by exposure to toxins, infections, stress, and/or other pro-inflammatory agents. Some onsets are caused by untreated or unresolved infections, or residual effects of older insults and traumas. CIDs are characterized by over-reactivity or imbalance in the immune system, and include disease such as:

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Psoriatic arthritis
  • Gout
  • Crohn’s
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Long COVID
  • … and more

While each separate form of CID requires its own diagnostic approach, all CID clients benefit from minimizing inflammatory insults to the body and maximizing total health. Most CID patients will have vulnerabilities that require a lifetime commitment to monitoring and preventing illness.

At Cruxpoint, we seek to put inflammatory diseases into remission and safely exit the drug regimens. It's possible.

The Cruxpoint approach:

Identify and address root causes that provoke the CID.
Optimize critical biomarkers related to CID.
Make the needed lifestyle changes to optimize general health and vitality.
Embed targeted health and vitality protocols into your daily living.
Get empowered with knowledge that put you back in control.
Minimize inflammatory insults and maximize total health.

How the program works:

The Breakthrough in Autoimmune & Chronic Inflammatory Disease Program is a 24-month program that empowers you with knowledge and gives you control. Our team will help you incorporate personalized protocols into your day-to-day life.

Comprehensive labs and assessments help us uncover root causes by taking a closer look at your unique biochemistry, vulnerabilities, inflammation, deficiencies, imbalances, and more.

Cruxpoint’s comprehensive assessments include:

  • AtCor Vascular Assessment
  • InBody body composition measurement
  • GRIP Strength
  • ABSI body composition & mortality risk index
  • Goldenson Healthy Life Expectancy assessment

If needed, we’ll provide a referral for specialized scans and labs.

Chronic Inflammatory Diseases are hard to definitively diagnose, have a wide and variable range of symptoms, and generally are difficult to treat.

Based on the results of your labs, scans, and other assessments, we’ll tailor a plan that will address the root causes of your inflammatory response and symptoms.

  • We’ll help you identify and address root causes that provoke the CID
  • We’ll help you optimize critical biomarkers related to the CID
  • We’ll help you make the needed lifestyle changes to optimize your general health and vitality
  • We’ll interpret follow-up assessments and labs to track progress and ensure success

The 24-month program is packed with personalized support and continuous monitoring of your progress.

You’ll have direct access to:

  • Clinicians
  • Health coaches
  • Self-paced learning on digital platform
  • Curated, cutting-edge educational resources and research
  • Lifestyle education and coaching on reducing disease risk


We definitely can. CIDs are multi-symptom illnesses generally triggered by exposure to toxins, infections, stress, and/or other pro-inflammatory agents. Some onsets are caused by untreated or unresolved
infections, or residual effects of older insults and traumas. CIDs are characterized by over-
reactivity or imbalance in the immune system – which we can test for.

You’ll meet with Cruxpoint clinicians and coaches for about an hour at a time, virtually or in our offices in Boulder, Colorado. You’ll receive personalized support, plus curated research from the very latest health and medical findings. We’ll sit down together, check in on how the protocols are going, and answer all your questions. You’ll find these sessions motivating and encouraging – not to mention empowering! 

The program is 24 months for everyone because we want to measure progress and success at the ends of years one and two.

Unfortunately, mainstream insurance providers do a very poor job at covering preventative services. Because of this, at this time we do not bill insurance. However, our services are generally eligible for HSA funds.

You sure can. Most of our labs can be done anywhere, but there are a couple that are only offered in Colorado at this time (AtCor, InBody, and Grip Strength). Fill out the form below and let us know where you’re located so we can build your program and pricing accordingly.

We do. Reach out to [email protected] for more details.

Are you ready for a breakthrough?

Fill out the form below for a consultation to see if Cruxpoint is the right fit for you, or reach out directly.

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